Tejon Ranch

Kern County

Combining Mitigation with Protection of Species

One of California Rangeland Trust’s role is to help ranchers with mitigation projects. In 2000, California Rangeland Trust accepted the donation of a 1,122-acre easement as mitigation for a commercial development located in the northwest corner of Tejon Ranch. As a condition of approval for the development, Tejon Ranch Company donated an easement on nearby grazing land in order to protect habitat for the San Joaquin kit fox and blunt-nosed leopard lizard.The easement project is unique because it demonstrates that, under a management plan overseen by California Rangeland Trust, productive grazing can work in concert with habitat protection of federally protected species. The project is particularly gratifying because it reflects a clear connection between cattle grazing and maintaining a sustainable environment. Good grazing management practices help control vegetative growth, thereby enhancing the habitat for the kit fox and blunt-nosed lizard.